Top 9 Benefits of Studying in Singapore: A Guide for International Students

Discover why Singapore is ideal for higher education: world-class universities, financial grants, global exposure, employment prospects, and a safe, multicultural environment.

Living and studying abroad can be a life-changing experience, instilling the confidence to navigate various life situations. So, are you yet to finalise the country for your higher education? Are you, by any chance, looking for a foreign university closer to home?

Look no further than Singapore! There are many universities of international repute in Singapore where you can study. You’ll be exposed to a vibrant culture and an unforgettable educational experience. If you’re still in doubt, scroll down for the top 9 reasons why you must choose Singapore as your foreign education destination.

Top 9 Reasons to Study in Singapore

Are you wondering why you should choose Singapore as the destination for your higher education? Here are the reasons:

  1. Good Reputation for Academic Excellence

Singapore has earned international acclaim for being a hub of academic excellence. The education system in Singapore is of high quality. You need to take into account the fact that many scholars and academics of international repute have been attracted to the educational sector in Singapore.

The National University of Singapore, the Nanyang Technological University, and the Singapore University of Technology and Design are some reputed institutions you can consider for studying abroad.

  1. Multiple Education Grants

If you need financial assistance to pursue higher education, there are provisions for multiple education grants in Singapore. Every international student is eligible to get grants concerning their tuition fees. However, the amount may vary depending on one's eligibility and requirements.

In many cases, students are not required to repay the amount. However, they’ll need to stay back in Singapore and work for a minimum number of years, depending on the program of study.

Do you need help to send applications to universities in Singapore? Consult Azent, the best overseas education consultant.

  1. Global Focus on Education

While studying abroad in Singapore, you’ll experience the benefit of a strong collaboration between institutions in Singapore and those around the world. What does it mean exactly?

Well, there will be a strong international focus on your educational experience. You’ll receive an enormous range of opportunities. In short, you'll have an amazing educational experience that will expose you to the best of the world.

  1. Various Employment Opportunities

Many students avail of educational loans before they travel to a foreign country for their higher education. Naturally, they worry about employment opportunities and repaying the loan. Singapore scores high even in this regard.

The country has a robust economy with a strong focus on industry. So, there are multiple employment opportunities for students. Many institutions even offer graduate programs and encourage students to seek work experience.

  1. Affordable Public Transportation

It’s one of the major advantages of studying abroad in Singapore. Travelling by bus and train is easy and affordable. Moreover, locals are quite helpful if you ask them for directions.

The ease of navigating through the city is an important benefit of why students ought to choose Singapore as their foreign education destination.

  1. Safety is a Huge Factor

Singapore is undoubtedly one of the safest countries in the world. A well-supported and strong police force, a modern legal system, and a very low crime rate have contributed to making Singapore a safe place for international students. However, that doesn’t mean you’ll not take the necessary precautions against crime. However, you can rest easy and go about your daily activities without worrying much about safety.

Use Azent’s course finder to choose an appropriate program in Singapore.

  1. Gateway to a Multicultural Environment

Studying at a reputed institution in Singapore will allow you to experience a multicultural environment. People from all over the world come to Singapore to work and study, which has made the country a melting pot of diverse cultures, religions, and ethnicities. Singapore is relatively free from conflict, which is a testimony to the fact that everyone lives together in harmony.

Since you’ll be living near some of the most beautiful countries in South Asia, you can make inexpensive trips during short breaks.

  1. Language is Closely Tied to Cultural History

While English remains the official language or medium of education, students can learn and practice one or more languages. Malay and Mandarin Chinese are the two common languages spoken in the country. The prevalent languages of Singapore reflect its cultural history.

If you love learning new languages or wish to learn more foreign languages, choose Singapore as your higher education destination.

  1. Closer to Home

Apart from all the reasons mentioned above, another crucial benefit of choosing Singapore is its distance from India. Students who head over to a foreign country don't realise, in the beginning, how badly they might miss their family and friends in India.

Compared to the USA, UK, New Zealand, or Australia, Singapore is closer to home. Indians comprise nearly 10% of the country's population. So you will feel like you're close to home.

Final Words

Choosing Singapore to study abroad will be a great idea. It's a picturesque place that offers internationally acclaimed educational programs. Some of its universities are the top-ranking institutions in the world.

Getting a degree from Singapore would open up a world of possibilities because students benefit from a smooth transition into the domain of work.